This article is about How to Create a professional blogger website. Blogger is a free CMS provided by google to use it for blogging purpose. But by default the theme and templates of blogger are not looking professional. It requires professional templates and customization for blogger website to look professional.
Today through this article we are going to teach you how to make a blogger website a professional website.
For this purpose there are many themes available to use them in your blogger website. But choosing the right SEO and AdSense friendly blogger template is not easy task.
There are many free blogger templates as well as paid template available on the Internet to use them in your website with many pro and free features.
Steps To create a professional blogger website.
Now see the latest steps steps to create a full professional website.
Create Important Pages:
The first step to create a blogger good website is creation of important pages. Like Contact Us , About Us , Disclaimer, Terms and Conditions, Privacy and policy. These pages are important for AdSense approval and also gives you your website a professional look.
Choose Good Theme :
The next step is to choose good theme for your website. You can find plenty of template on most blogger templates provider websites like , Sora blogger templates, Goyabbi blogger templates, Visit these sites and choose the good theme for your website.
Theme Customization:
The 3rd step is Customization of theme. There are two ways to create customization the first step is custom customization and the second step is demo export. Customize your site footer credit, Sidebar, header, and add logo and title to your website to make it professional.
Add High Quality Images:
The fourth step is addition of good quality and unique images to your website. Edit your images and create them unique.
Add Custom Domain:
By default all blogger websites come with free sub domain like this sub domain not gives you a professional look. To make it professional you need to add custom Domain to your blogger website.
High Quality Content:
Do not create low value content that gives user no information. Create interesting and eye catching content and make the unique and plagiarism free. Avoid spam categories and choose the valid niches.
If you want professional blogger website. Then follow all the above steps and implement them in your website to make it professional. You can Also watch videos to make your website great and good look.