What is blogger?

Blogger is a big Content management system operated by google. This CMS is on second number after WordPress. It is easy to use as compare to WordPress and other CMS.

Blogger does not requires any codeing knowledge it have simple layout to use. If you just starting blogging career or joining blogging as a hobby then blogger is best place for startup.

Blogger does not requires any plan to subscribe to start blogging with blogger it is free and available for you anywhere any time

Blogger log in / sign up

Hmm if you thinking about blogger account creating then you need to know that. You don’t to create a different profile for blogger. Blogger does not requires account creation. Because it is a google product so, you can just need to login with your gmail credintals. After log in create a blog title blog name and blog address. To start blogging with blogger.

How to use blogger

If you don’t know how to use blogger then see this method. Create a gmail account if you already have any then login to blogger with existing gmail account.

Also Read

how to add custom domain to blogger

After log in blogger ask to choose a blog name then enter the blog name you want to enter and then blogger ask display name then enter the blog title after that blogger ask you to choose blog address.

You need to choose the blog address enter the blog address blogger will check the availability to that address if the address you enter is not available then enter another address. When the address available then click next congrats your blog have get set.

Here in blogger you need to do some changes go to setting and enter the blog description. Choose favicon setup google analytics and enable SSL

Now start posting to blogger and create important pages like sitemap, Contact Us, About Us, Privacy and policy, Disclaimer, Terms and conditions.

Blogger always come with sub domain exampke.blogspot.com if you want to connect your custom domain then blogger also have this option. Go to setting now choose add custom domain enter the domain name and setup the DNS setup CNAME and save the setting.

Can I earn money from Blogger?

Yes, You can make money with blogger. With blogger you can start your web store, blogging career, Business, digital service sales, and with AdSense.

If you have only blog and want to earn money from it with blogger then AdSense is a best option to make money with blogger blog.

AdSense is a ad network which pay publisher by showing ads on their website. It is easy to join and make money with your blog traffic.

When someone click on ads showing on your website you make money from it based on CPC and country location.

  1. Go to blogger
  2. Click navigation menu
  3. Click earning
  4. Setup AdSense
  5. Then connect your website with AdSense
  6. Submit it for google quality team to review your website.
  7. It may takes up to 14 days to activate your account.
  8. After your AdSense account activation setup ads or manual ads and paste the ads codes on your website to show relevant ads on your website based on user cookies.
  9. When you reaches the minimum of 10$ threshold google will ask you to verify your indentity
  10. Then enter the ID card photo and submit identity
  11. After successful verification of identity google will send you a pin on your entered adress it may takes 14 days to arrive after google pin arrives them enter it in your AdSense to verify your AdSense account
  12. After verification google payout threshold is 100$ to send your money to your bank account.

These were the some steps to make money with blogger. Bby the way blogger is best free CMS to start blogging for free without any investment and start making money.

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